The working group ‘Women and University’ (VAPL), the vicerectorat diversity of KU Leuven and the League of European Universities invite you to a public event on
Excellence in academia
The what, the why, the how!
Academic excellence is a hotly discussed topic, but it remains unclear who or what really defines this elusive quality? What is quality in academia and how can we best achieve it? What sort of criteria do we currently use to evaluate academic excellence in our universities? Are they doing any justice to the intrinsic qualities of academics currently working in our institutes? Do we succeed in attracting, selecting and maintaining the most promising academics? This seminar is meant to shed light on some of the underlying mechanisms that currently influence our understanding of excellence in academia and an invitation to contribute to a debate on how we are going to define quality and what sort of strategies should be outlined to strengthen us in achieving excellence on different levels within the university.
The event takes place on Tuesday October the 13th, from 1 to 4 PM in Museumzaal 00.08, Naamsestraat 22, Leuven
13.00u: Welcome and Introduction by Prof. Dr. Karin Hannes, Prof. Dr. Heleen Touquet & Prof. Dr. Kurt Deketelaere
13.20u: Excellence in academia, a public lecture by Prof. Dr. Curt Rice, Rector of the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences and Prof. Dr. Janet Beer, Vice-chancellor of Liverpool University, United Kingdom, including questions and answer session.
14.40u: Network Break
15.00u: Panel discussion, moderated by Prof.Dr. Peter Vermeersch, with contributions from:
Prof. Dr. Collette Van Laer, BOF ZAP gender KU Leuven
Dr. Katrien Maes, Chief Policy Officer of the League of European Research Universities
Dr. Anton Froeyman, Action Group Higher Education
15.45: Plenary Questions and answers session
16.00: Closing of the event by Vicerector Katlijn Malfliet & reception
Bio’s of the speakers:
Free access to the event, but registration is required.
Following this event, KU Leuven researchers are cordially invited to the internal event “Excellence in research and how to evaluate it”, starting at 16:15, organised by the vice-rector for research.