Summer school – Posthuman Ethics, Pain and Endurance

The registrations for Prof. Rosi Braidotti’s 2018 summer school at Utrecht University (the Netherlands) are now open!

The 2018 summer school, titled “Posthuman Ethics, Pain and Endurance,” which will take place between the 20th-24th of August 2018 at Utrecht University, in Utrecht, the Netherlands, combines an introduction to the basic tenets of Braidotti’s brand of critical posthuman theory with an overview on contemporary debates about the ethical implications of posthumanism and the so-called ‘posthuman turn’.
While the emphasis of the course will be on the mutually enriching relationship between the posthuman, neo-materialism, and the ethics of affirmation, this year the main topic will be both the practical and theoretical issues around the notions of pain and endurance in the contemporary world.

Please click on the following registration link if you are interested in participating:

Or send an e-mail to receive more information to:

Summer School ‘Europe: Diversity and Migration’

Europe’s demography in terms of ethno-cultural composition is rapidly diversifying in an unprecedented way. This topic has become a priority issue for policymakers at the national and EU-level. There is a great concern on how to deal adequately with superdiversity as it affects all realms of society.

The second edition of the Summer School ‘Europe: Diversity and Migration’ addresses these issues from an interdisciplinary perspective and provides participants with insights, information and tools based on theoretical perspectives, empirical case studies and several field visits.

  • Where: Stadscampus, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • When: 25 June – 6 July 2018
  • Who: Master students and final year Bachelor students who are interested in deepening their knowledge about Europe related diversity and migration issues. Students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.
  • Registration fee: €400. University of Antwerp students are entitled to a refund of €150.
  • Application details: Online through Mobility Online before 16 April 2018.
  • More information:

Afstudeerbeurs + infomoment

(Bijna) afgestudeerd en op zoek naar een eerste uitdagende job? Of, op zoek naar een vervolgopleiding na je bachelor (BA) of master (MA)? Maak op één dag en op één locatie kennis met de huidige jobmarkt en een brede waaier aan verderstudeermogelijkheden. HR-verantwoordelijken van meer dan 200 bedrijven en organisaties, en medewerkers van de partnerinstellingen van de AUGent staan klaar om je concreet carrièreadvies te geven en je vragen te beantwoorden.

Meer informatie:

 ! Er volgt nog een extra infomoment specifiek voor de masteropleiding Gender en Diversiteit op maandag 14 mei om 17.30 (lokaal 100.035, gelijkvloers Blandijn).

Interuniversity Gender Research Seminar

The seminar is an annual interdisciplinary conference, jointly organised by the University of Antwerp, the Ghent University and The Vrije Universiteit Brussel. It relates gender to broader issues of diversity, epistemology and questions of (in)equality in power in society, culture and politics from a critical research perspective.

This year’s focal question is “How to study the complexity of femininities, masculinities and gender fluidity?” The previous years have witnessed a growing interest in men’s and masculinities’ studies and a renewed attention to femininity as a theoretical paradigm or concept. Building on this literature, the upcoming seminar will reflect upon what masculinities and femininities there are, how they emerge, get shaped, interact with each other, prevail or get marginalized. In a similar vein, the concept of gender fluidity deconstructs or at least distinguishes more than the binary feminine-masculine construct, pointing at a broad range of sex or gender constructions that exist on a continuum between what tends to be labelled as men and women. It is thus not only interesting to look at these three concepts in themselves, but especially at their interplay and how they interact. Academic speakers, practitioners and PhD students are invited to inquire about the concepts of femininities, masculinities and gender fluidity and how to integrate them into research from a theoretical, empirical and a methodological point of view.

More information and registration:

Summer school “Prejudice, discrimination, and the diversity challenge”

We are delight to invite you to the summer school “Prejudice, discrimination, and the diversity challenge” which will take place at the University of Geneva from 2 to 6 July 2018.

Where does prejudice come from? How do prejudice and discrimination affect people’s achievements, performances, and well-being? How can institutions reduce prejudice? How do laws prevent prejudice and protect minorities? What are the advantages of the inclusion of minority groups in the labor market? 

Deadline: 15 April 2018


For more information and inscription:


International Law for the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop

The Department of Transboundary Legal Studies, the Centre for Gender Studies, and the Global Health Law Groningen Research Centre of the University of Groningen cordially invites you to participate in our fourth International Law for the Sustainable Development Goals WorkshopGender, Health & Sustainable Development- The role for international human rights law.

Proposal submission: Please find the call for papers & digital artwork (PDF) attached. Deadline to receive proposals is 28 March 2018.

Workshop date & location: The workshop will run from 2pm-6:30pm on May 7th, 2018 at the University College Groningen in Groningen, the Netherlands.

Workshop programme: The workshop will feature Prof. Wendy Harcourt (confirmed), Professor of Gender, Diversity and Sustainable Development at the Erasmus University. Her keynote will be followed by a panel session with presenters selected from the call for papers. Selected artwork will be exhibited throughout the event. A full programme will be published closer to the event.

Kick-off van het Men Engage Netwerk Vlaanderen

We merken dat de maatschappij, nog meer dan we graag zouden geloven, beheerst wordt door dominante stereotype beelden m.b.t. mannelijkheid en vrouwelijkheid en bijhorende genderrollen. Deze stereotypen zijn soms beklemmend en remmen mensen in hun ontwikkeling of vrijheid. Ze kunnen leiden tot heel wat negatieve gevolgen voor zowel vrouwen als mannen.  Daarom beogen we met het Men Engage Netwerk in Vlaanderen dan ook het kritisch in vraag stellen en het openbreken van genderstereotypen en het vergroten van de mogelijkheden en vrijheden van zowel mannen als vrouwen. 

Met deze uitnodiging willen we u graag de kans geven om dit verhaal vorm te geven en mee uit te dragen! De kick-off gaat door op donderdag 29 maart in het BIP in Brussel (Koningsstraat 2-4, 1000 Brussel) en start om 13.00u. We sluiten rond 16.00u feestelijk af met een receptie waarop u de kans heeft om andere organisaties te leren kennen en te netwerken. 

De uitnodiging met het programma vind je in bijlage. 

Uitnodiging Kick Off Men Engage Netwerk (nieuwe datum – 29 maart 2018)


Voorstelling en bespreking CRAZYWISE

CRAZYWISE is een film die de manier waarop we psychose en psychosegevoeligheid in het westen benaderen, contrasteert met de wijze waarop hiermee wordt omgegaan in niet-westerse culturen (zoals bijvoorbeeld bij bevolkingsgroepen in de Amazone, bergvolkeren in Tibet, Mongolië, etc.). De film brengt de ervaring van psychoses in beeld en brengt actuele thema’s aan bod zoals het stigma, het biomedische perspectief, de psychose als een vorm van mentale diversiteit, en de behandeling binnen de geestelijke gezondheidszorg,…

De regisseur van de documentaire, Phil Borges, is begin maart in België. Hij zal de film inleiden en zal beschikbaar zijn voor vragen en antwoorden na de film.