Invitation to “Beyond the tip of the iceberg: sexual violence in Belgium”, UN-MENAMAIS final conference June 17th 2021

We are delighted to invite you to the online seminar ‘Beyond the tip of the iceberg: Sexual violence in Belgium’ on the 17th of June 2021. At this seminar we present the results of the UN-MENAMAIS study, the first gender- and age-sensitive sexual violence prevalence study in Belgium. The results will be made available to you in 5 pre-recorded capsules to be watched online during the week prior to the seminar:

  • Capsule 1: Methodology of the UN-MENAMAIS quantitative & qualitative studies
  • Capsule 2: Sexual violence in the Belgian population aged 16-69
  • Capsule 3: Sexual violence in older adults in Belgium aged 70+
  • Capsule 4: Sexual violence in minority groups in Belgium (LGBT+ & AIPs)
  • Capsule 5: Forensic responses to victims of sexual violence

On the 17th of June we have our online scientific seminar in English. We start at 9:00 with a welcome, some pre-recorded political opening statements and a general introduction to the UN-MENAMAIS project. We continue with in-depth Q&A sessions of each of the 5 capsules (until 12:00).

In the afternoon we host an interdisciplinary debate (13-15:00) with eminent international speakers on the implications of our results on research, practices and policies. The debate will be moderated by the Belgian TV-news anchor and radio journalist Xavier Taveirne.

At 15:30 we continue with a World Café workshop in Dutch and/or French, entirely devoted to implementing the UN-MENAMAIS results in Belgium. There are limited places available. Subscription is open until the 15th of May on a first come first serve basis.

The full programme can be found here

To subscribe click here

Deadline for subscriptions is the 15th of May (World Café) and the 14th of June (scientific seminar).

Summer School going digital – Europe: Diversity and Migration

Due to the ongoing evolution of the covid-19 pandemic, the physical version of the summer school is cancelled. We are however happy to inform you that a full-fledged digital alternative is developed, offering the same inspiring content, interdisciplinary approach and collaborative environment as the physical version does. The online course takes place from 28 June – 9 July 2021.

For more information on this online alternative, click here.

In for an online adventure along with likeminded people from all over the world? Read along and submit your application now before 1 June 2021.

Women in Finance – 2 months summer job

Women in Finance Belgium is a unique association, regrouping more than 40 financial institutions committed to more gender equality. You can discover more about our association on LinkedIn : Women in Finance Belgium: Overview | LinkedIn

Women in Finance is seeking a student (F – M – X), preferably finishing a Master in Gender, for a 2 months summer job, possibly followed by a part time job from September on.

Requirements :

Be passionate by gender equality

Have good communication skills (oral and written)

Be fluent in English and at least French or Dutch, have some knowledge of the other language (understand discussions – answer in your language or English). Trilingual is a plus.

Want to contribute to the development of a unique professional network for more gender equality in finance

Tasks will involve :

  • Participation to all (mostly virtual) meetings, preparing agenda and making the minutes
  • Building a regular communication flow with the members, through a newsletter on gender equality practices
  • Collecting useful practices of members on some aspects of gender equality
  • Improve our visibility on social media.
  • Be a champion of Diversity and Inclusion and represent the values of WIF in every interaction with all WIF internal and external stakeholders.

For more info : please contact

Johanna Naberprijs 2021

In 2021 wordt voor de 19de maal de Johanna W.A. Naberprijs uitgereikt voor de beste afstudeerscriptie (Master niveau, doctoraal scriptie of licentieverhandeling) op het gebied van vrouwen-/gendergeschiedenis. Misschien komt de prijs jouw scriptie toe?

De prijs wordt uitgeloofd door Atria en de Vereniging voor Gendergeschiedenis (VVG). Bij de beoordeling van de scripties staan onder andere originaliteit en vernieuwing centraal: wat voegt de scriptie toe aan al bestaande literatuur? De winnaar ontvangt een bedrag van 500 euro, en krijgt de gelegenheid om een artikel te schrijven voor het tijdschrift Historica.

Meer informatie:

Decolonize the university

On March 22, RHEA, BIRMM, the VEN network and the Race and Research network are organizing an event ‘Decolonising the university’ in which they will discuss insights on what de-colonisation of the university and VUB could look like and which ways we can move forward.

Christil Asamoah, Tunde Adefioye and Iman Lechkar will talk about their ideas on how to foster equality for marginalised groups in the university. They will discuss with staff and students from VUB, but we welcome students from other universities as well.

Register here:…/reg…/WN_Mp7xRvkCRgikphZe1hTqxQ

lezing 24/03: Nigel Gibson – Frantz Fanon, Psychiatry and Politics

Op 24/03/2021, om 20u, organiseert Museum Dr. Guislain een online lezing (Engelstalig, gratis, iedereen welkom), Frantz Fanon, Psychiatry and Politics, door Nigel Gibson.

Waar? Online via Zoom. Je ontvangt de link na registratie.
Prijs? Gratis
De lezing heeft als voertaal Engels!

Meer informatie:


Save the date(s) for Genderweek 2021. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, RHEA together with various partners including Crosstalks, deBuren, Kaaitheater and the Equality Team organize a new edition of the Genderweek! Join us for a week full of reflection and debate about privacy and power, sexual harassment, sexual norms and vulvodynia, gender equality and prejudice, gender and research, women in cinema and more. We invite you to engage and participate. Discover the program below and check for updates at our website:

Anita L. Allen – Privacy through the Lenses of Race and Gender

8 March, 20:00-21:30


Bystanders workshop for staff – Act against Sexual Harassment

9 March, 12:00


Bystanders workshop for students – Act against Sexual Harassment

9 March, 17:00


Samira Rafaela – To defy prejudice within the European Parliament

9 March, 19:30-21:00


Verborgen leed – Als je vulva pijn doet

10 March, 19:30-22:00


Movienight – Burkinabè Rising (2018)

11 March, 20:00


Horizon Europe and gender research: get ready!

12 March, 13:00


Debate on Women in Cinema

12 March, 19:30