Decolonize the university

On March 22, RHEA, BIRMM, the VEN network and the Race and Research network are organizing an event ‘Decolonising the university’ in which they will discuss insights on what de-colonisation of the university and VUB could look like and which ways we can move forward.

Christil Asamoah, Tunde Adefioye and Iman Lechkar will talk about their ideas on how to foster equality for marginalised groups in the university. They will discuss with staff and students from VUB, but we welcome students from other universities as well.

Register here:…/reg…/WN_Mp7xRvkCRgikphZe1hTqxQ

lezing 24/03: Nigel Gibson – Frantz Fanon, Psychiatry and Politics

Op 24/03/2021, om 20u, organiseert Museum Dr. Guislain een online lezing (Engelstalig, gratis, iedereen welkom), Frantz Fanon, Psychiatry and Politics, door Nigel Gibson.

Waar? Online via Zoom. Je ontvangt de link na registratie.
Prijs? Gratis
De lezing heeft als voertaal Engels!

Meer informatie:


Save the date(s) for Genderweek 2021. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, RHEA together with various partners including Crosstalks, deBuren, Kaaitheater and the Equality Team organize a new edition of the Genderweek! Join us for a week full of reflection and debate about privacy and power, sexual harassment, sexual norms and vulvodynia, gender equality and prejudice, gender and research, women in cinema and more. We invite you to engage and participate. Discover the program below and check for updates at our website:

Anita L. Allen – Privacy through the Lenses of Race and Gender

8 March, 20:00-21:30


Bystanders workshop for staff – Act against Sexual Harassment

9 March, 12:00


Bystanders workshop for students – Act against Sexual Harassment

9 March, 17:00


Samira Rafaela – To defy prejudice within the European Parliament

9 March, 19:30-21:00


Verborgen leed – Als je vulva pijn doet

10 March, 19:30-22:00


Movienight – Burkinabè Rising (2018)

11 March, 20:00


Horizon Europe and gender research: get ready!

12 March, 13:00


Debate on Women in Cinema

12 March, 19:30

Summer School 2021 ‘The Posthuman and New Materialism’ announcement

Prof. Rosi Braidotti announces the 2021 edition of the summer school on posthuman scholarship. The theme this time is “The Posthuman & New Materialism” and the course will take place at Utrecht University from the 16th to the 27th of  August 2021.

The 2021 course will be offered entirely online and is sub-divided into 5 tutor groups of 25 students maximum. Each group is led by a tutor.  Please note that the groups are organized by different regional time-zones: one for Australia and the Pacific; one for North America and 3 for Europe. Applicants are free to select which time zone they prefer to attend and pick the time that suits their schedule best. The programme and the lectures- both live and pre-recorded – are the same for every region.

Competition for registration is strong so applicants are advised to apply early, as places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. More information: Summer School 2021 .

SDG Lecture The making and unmaking of development: the SDGs and beyond

 SDG lecture of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences – Ghent University

Panel debate with Jason Hickel (LSE), Lata Narayanaswamy (Leeds University) and Ruth Nyambura (Nairobi, Kenya)
September 24 – 19:30-21:00 – Online

The development paradigm, rooted in colonial heritages, based on modernist notions of progress, and premised on unsustainable economic growth, has been subject to postcolonial academic and (grassroots) activist critiques almost as early as it was introduced in the 1950s. Presently, however, with the compounded effects of economic and climate crises, and the migration/refugee debate, the notion of ‘post-development’ is gaining wider currency, urging both academics and the development sector to explore alternatives to development. Addressing key challenges such as debt, poverty, growing inequalities and environmental degradation, the panel debate will discuss the SDGs as the most recent (inherently contradictory) expressions of the development paradigm, and debate alternative approaches, knowledge-bases and practices.

More information: and

Workshop ‘Re-Enchanting the World’ with Silvia Federici in Ghent – CFP

On 29 October, Universiteit Gent, Kunsthal Gent and Vooruit are joining forces to organise an intimate evening workshop in Ghent with feminist activist, writer and teacher Silvia Federici. Starting from two cases in Belgium (e.g. on the in/outsourcing of cleaners and on the enclosures of the beach), we aim to collectively create a pamphlet with Silvia that will record and respond to the urgent questions of this moment of global crisis and its opportunities for a new commons.
They invite scholars, artists, and/or activists in Belgium with an interest in feminism, anti-racism and/or agro-ecology for an evening of joyful militancy on how we can collectively re-enchant the world, and re-imagine and re-build communal infrastructures of life and social reproduction.

If you are a Belgian-based artist/activist/scholar and you would like to apply, then check out the call, and fill in the form!

Decolonial and antiracism (online) workshop by BAMKO – hosted by GCGS

The Ghent Centre for Global Studies will host an online decolonial and antiracism workshop series by the feminist, anti-racist association BAMKO, from September 2 to December 16-17, 2020. The program was co-designed by BAMKO and members of the GCGS and will comprise of online evening sessions, every other Wednesday, with a double closing session and two excursions on a Saturday (tbc).

Among the lecturers / moderators are Gillian Mathys (Dept. of History), Joachim Ben Yakoub, Soraya El Kahlaoui, Koen Bogaert and Omar Jabary-Salamanca (Dept. of Conflict & Development), next to international and national guest speakers (both academics and activists).

The workshop combines theoretical and practical training for students and activists. BAMKO gives priority to women and racialised or other minorities, and every participant needs to enrol for the full program (it is not possible to attend just one or a few sessions).

The deadline for enrolment is August, 21. For more info on registration and fees, please contact BAMKO at:

*** Call for Proposals *** (Re)Forming Methodologies

**SVR exists to give students at the BA and MA level (as well as BA and MA graduates) a chance to present, share and discuss their work in an academic setting and to be recognised for their expertise. We aim to make knowledge production in academia more inclusive and democratic by facilitating peer-to-peer teaching practices and an open minded, supportive feedback culture. It is important to us that researchers have the opportunity to get critical feedback on their work – by exchanging ideas and hearing meaningful critique from other student researchers.

The Studierendenvortragsreihe* Gender Studies is searching for speakers for its upcoming lecture series at HU Berlin, WiSe 20-21 and we would greatly appreciate it if you could share the CfP with your networks and students!

SVR: (Re)Forming Methodologies will explore the limits and possibilities of “queerly” writing and researching from a multi-disciplinary angle by focusing on seven individual student projects that experiment with methodological practices within the field of gender and sexuality studies.

Lectures will be held online bi-weekly (twice a month), and each session will include two speakers, with 14 in total. While the seminar will be offered to HU students in the modules Free Choice and ÜWP (überfachlicher wahlpflichtbereich with 4 LP), the lectures are also open to the public.

How to apply:

If you are interested in presenting your work at the (Re)Forming Methodologies: International Student Lecture Series on Gender and Sexuality Studies, please submit your proposal to us by no later than 13 September 2020. / midnight (CET)

For further information, including application details, please see the PDF.

Aankondiging symposium 30 jaar abortuswetgeving in België – Gent – 29 oktober 2020

Liberas en CAVA organiseren op donderdag 29 oktober te Gent een interdisciplinair symposium naar aanleiding van 30 jaar abortuswetgeving in België. Het symposium maakt een stand van zaken op van het academisch onderzoek en de praktijk in België maar kijkt ook vooruit. Panels met specialisten uit verscheidene disciplines benaderen zwangerschapsafbreking en abortuswetgeving vanuit historisch, juridisch, politiek, ethisch/moreel en sociaal perspectief. Geografisch ligt de focus op België, maar steeds met aandacht voor de internationale context. De studiedag wordt afgesloten met een debat.

Het volledige programma is te vinden op

SVR Breaks the Internet. International Student Conference on Gender & Sexuality. 4-5 JULY, 1-8 (CET)

The SVR Gender Studies is a platform for students, especially those in the early stages of study, to practice presenting their gender–related research topics, get inspired by their peers’ work, and exchange feedback with other students in a collegial, constructive, and transdisciplinary environment.

While last semester we invited 7 speakers to present their topic during 14 weeks, and our programme offered 2 credit-points under the module “Free Choice” (module 6 in B.A., module 8 in M.A.) for gender studies students at HU Berlin, this semester we are very pleased to inform you about our first-ever online conference in which 15 speakers will present their exciting projects with 3 panel discussions, 1 lecture, and 1 workshop during 2 days of conference.

As SVR Gender Studies values the collective praxis and process over product, it serves several goals: (1) it motivates students to be more active and reflect upon the knowledge they have gained in their studies, and 2) by acknowledging student research, knowledge production in academia can be more inclusive and democratic.

For more information see the following links:

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