The First Annual Machteld de Metsenaere Lecture

RHEA  Centre of Expertise Gender,  Diversity & Intersectionality
is pleased to present

The First Annual Machteld de Metsenaere Lecture

Thursday, December 3, 2015, 5-7 pm
Promotiezaal  (Campus Etterbeek, room D.2.01 in building D)

Carrying as a Feminist Method
by Nirmal Puwar (Goldsmith College)

The body has a memory, and embodied sensibilities shape our research in ways that we yet have to fully understand. This paper unpacks the notion of “carrying” as an embodied set of experiences and influences that bear upon us in the selection or avoidance of research matters. This discussion considers the informative and affective properties of sensibilities that touch our research directions. It is well recognised that we acquire and carry a body of books for company. What is not so easily acknowledged is the small incidents that stay with us and which often unknowingly offer anchorage to our points of attention. Commonly we carry a set of aesthetics which we struggle to give legitimacy. Most often the risks of anthropological romanticism or scientific reductionism constrain our attempts to work with different ways of being, seeing and feeling. This lecture considers the example of Giddha (Punjabi song and dance between women) that provides an instance of embodied transnational carrying of stories, voice and humour. This however is not an exercise in museum preservation or a politics of salvation.

Nirmal Puwar is Reader in Sociology and Co-Director of Methods Lab at Goldsmith College, University of London. Her work explores postcolonialism, institutions, race and gender, and critical methodologies. She is author of the book Space Invaders: Race, Gender and Bodies out of place (2004) and co-editor of eighteen collections, including: Live Methods; Intimacy in Research; Post-colonial Bourdieu; Fashion and Orientalism and South Asian Women in the Diaspora. She is co-convenor of the Race Forum of the British Sociological Association. In her recent work she has collaboratively worked on a number of projects involved with inventive and public methods.

The lecture is followed by a response by Sarah Bracke (RHEA)

Master Class with Nirmal Puwar

Master Class with Nirmal Puwar

Friday, December 4th, 2015
9.30 am – 1 pm, Campus Etterbeek

The Machteld de Metsenaere lecture is followed by a master class, which offers interested graduate students the opportunity to explore the notion of carrying more in depth together with Nirmal Puwar.

The master class is open to doctoral students and advanced MA students. Participation is free of charge, but conditional upon application (see below). Participation to the master class requires attending the public lecture, reading the assigned readings, and preparing a brief (10 minutes) presentation of one’s research project. This presentation should focus on (feminist) methodological issues and embodiment, and might reflect on how an understanding of “carrying” plays out in one’s own research.

PhD students from any Flemish university receive one credit (1 ECTS) upon completion of the master class. Other PhD students receive, on completion, a ‘proof of successful participation’, which can be recognized by their home PhD programme. MA students can apply for registration on an individual basis and receive ‘proof of successful participation’.

How to apply?
Send us a brief statement of interest by October 31, 2015.

The statement should include a presentation of your research, with special emphasis on methodological and epistemological issues, as well as present questions that you would like to see addressed during the master class. The statement should not exceed 1000 words, and should be sent to

You will be notified by November 10 about your participation to the master class. A brief reading list will be available from that date onwards.

The public lecture and master class are sponsored by: Doctoral School for Human Sciences,  Expertisecentrum Gender, Diversiteit & Intersectionaliteit

PUBLIC EVENT Excellence in academia, KU Leuven, October 13 th, 2015


The working group ‘Women and University’ (VAPL), the vicerectorat diversity of KU Leuven and the League of European Universities invite you to a public event on

Excellence in academia
The what, the why, the how!

Academic excellence is a hotly discussed topic, but it remains unclear who or what really defines this elusive quality?  What is quality in academia and how can we best achieve it?  What sort of criteria do we currently use to evaluate academic excellence in our universities?  Are they doing any justice to the intrinsic qualities of academics currently working in our institutes?  Do we succeed in attracting, selecting and maintaining the most promising academics?  This seminar is meant to shed light on some of the underlying mechanisms that currently influence our understanding of excellence in academia and an invitation to contribute to a debate on how we are going to define quality and what sort of strategies should be outlined to strengthen us in achieving excellence on different levels within the university.

The event takes place on Tuesday October the 13th, from 1 to 4 PM in Museumzaal 00.08, Naamsestraat 22, Leuven


13.00u: Welcome and Introduction by Prof. Dr. Karin Hannes, Prof. Dr. Heleen Touquet & Prof. Dr. Kurt Deketelaere
13.20u: Excellence in academia, a public lecture by Prof. Dr. Curt Rice, Rector of the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences and Prof. Dr. Janet Beer, Vice-chancellor of Liverpool University, United Kingdom, including questions and answer session.
14.40u: Network Break
15.00u: Panel discussion, moderated by Prof.Dr. Peter Vermeersch, with contributions from:
Prof. Dr. Collette Van Laer, BOF ZAP gender KU Leuven
Dr. Katrien Maes, Chief Policy Officer of the League of European Research Universities
Dr. Anton Froeyman, Action Group Higher Education
15.45:    Plenary Questions and answers session
16.00:  Closing of the event by Vicerector Katlijn Malfliet & reception

Bio’s of the speakers:

Free access to the event, but registration is required.

The workgroup Women and University thanks the VAPL and the Diversity Policy Office for sponsoring this public event.

Following this event, KU Leuven researchers are cordially invited to the internal event “Excellence in research and how to evaluate it”, starting at 16:15, organised by the vice-rector for research.

Lecture: ‘Gendering globalization: processes and resistances’

KEYNOTE LECTURE – Ghent Centre for Global Studies, Research Day – October 29, 2015
Gendering globalization: processes and resistances.

Some examples from Latin America regarding trade, labour and migration.

Edmé Dominguez, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

There are many ways to observe the gendered processes of globalization. When we speak about gender most mean women but what we try to visualize is how different globalization processes are affecting both men and women and the relations between each other. This presentation will take as point of departure the most obvious entrance to globalization: free trade and from here we are to explore how this process affects different sectors of the economy and the people working there in a gendered, differentiated way.  This lecture will try to show what diverse treaties have meant (and can mean) for labour, migration and women’s general situation (as producers, consumers, carers) and how these processes have triggered different kinds of reactions, of resistance, in which women’s agency has advanced but still has a long way to go.

Edmé Dominguez is Associate Professor in the area of Peace and Development Studies and affiliated with the School of Global Studies of the University of Gothenburg. She is interested in issues of economic globalization, regionalism, trade and labour with a particular focus on issues of gender and citizenship. Her previous research concentrated on Soviet perceptions of Latin American socio-economic problems and Soviet policy towards Latin America. In her current research she focuses on the social implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement for Mexico and El Salvador, with a particular interest in the strategies of labour organizing of women workers at maquiladora industries through the case of several NGOs and some trade unions situated mostly in the North Eastern part of the Mexican border. She has published in various high profile journals, both in English and Spanish. She teaches courses on gender, development and international relations.

Thursday October 29, 13:00-14:00

Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent – Room Vermeylen

Attendance is free, but registration is required before October 26.

Mail to: Julie Carlier (

More information on GCGS:

Event: ‘Unruly bodies, Gender, Normen en Verzet’

Sophia, het Belgisch netwerk voor genderstudies, nodigt je van harte uit op UNRULY BODIES. GENDER \ NORMEN \ VERZET. Een conferentie waarop lichamen die buiten de normen vallen en de (de)constructie van lichaamsidealen centraal staan. We willen een stem geven aan personen met “unruly” lichamen, vooroordelen in vraag stellen, subversief potentieel exploreren en feministisch verzet in kaart brengen.

Unruly Bodies biedt een meertalige ruimte voor uitwisseling en exploratie tussen personen met academische, artistieke, activistische, autodidactische en interdisciplinaire achtergronden.

Op 29 oktober kan je in de KVS terecht voor lezingen, performances en films rond het de/koloniseren van lichamen en het creëren van nieuwe representaties voor ziekte, ouderdom en handicap. De avond wordt afgesloten met een keynote door Noortje van Amsterdam getiteld “Eigen schuld, dikke bult? Kritische vragen en culturele mythes over zwaarlijvigheid”.
Op 30 oktober vinden gedurende de hele dag papersessies in Amazone plaats, maar ook praktische workshops, tentoonstellingen en een afsluitende lezing door Sam/Marie-Hélène Bourcier.

Info, programma, inschrijvingen:
Facebook evenement:
Gelieve online in te schrijven voor 15 oktober.

29/10: KVS, Rue de Laekenstraat 146, 1000 Brussel, 2pm-9.30pm, 5€/3€
30/10: Amazone, rue du Méridien/Middaglijnstraat 10, 1210 Brussel, 8.45am-9.30pm – 25€/15€

Voor alle vragen met betrekking tot de conferentie:


Event: ‘Gender, Society and Inequality’ KU LEUVEN, November 4-7, 2015,

Dear all,As many of you already know there will be a number of events this November 4-7 in Leuven around the theme of Gender, Society and Inequality. More information is below, as are instructions on how to register (registration is required).

First there will be a number of public lectures accessible to all. These coincide with two events that we have organized in Leuven: an international meeting on Male Communal Roles – Developing a Research Agenda and a special symposium with Professor Peter Glick funded by the KU Leuven Doctoral School for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Professor Glick is known for his work on the stereotype content model (with Professor Susan Fiske) and his work on ambivalent sexism. There will be public lectures for staff, postdoctoral scholars and Ph.D. candidates, as well as for the public. On Thursday November 5 (19.30-21.00) Professor Glick will give a public address entitled ‘What Keeps Men Away from Communal Roles?’– followed by a reception. In addition, Ph.D. candidates and postdoctoral scholars can sign up for the special symposium in which potential research ideas are explored and discussed (November 4-5). Please see for more information and instructions on how to register (registration is required).

It may also be possible (as long as room allows) to attend specific key note sessions of the international meeting that we have organized in Leuven on Male Communal Roles – Developing a Research Agenda. General information can be found at (more details on the program will be placed on this website over the next few weeks). Please contact Nathalie Vissers ( should this be of interest to you.

We hope we will see many of you at the Peter Glick keynote or at one of the other events. Should you have any questions please contact Please forward this to possibly interested others.

Best wishes,
Colette van Laar

Professor of Psychology
Center for Social and Cultural Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Leuven
Tiensestraat 102 — box 3727
3000 Leuven, Belgium
Phone: +32-16-373273
Room 3.16

Conferentie Vrouwenkracht is Vredesmacht

Op 31 oktober 2015 organiseren Moeders voor Vrede, Stad Ieper, de Vrouwenraad, Universiteit Gent vakgroep geschiedenis en IGVM de conferentie ‘Vrouwenkracht is vredesmacht’. Daarin focussen we op de rol van vrouwen in conflictsituaties. Specifiek komen voor deze conferentie heel wat sterke vrouwen uit binnen- en buitenland naar Ieper. Mis dit niet en schrijf je snel in via de website!

Lecture: Srećko Horvat – Love in the Age of Selfie

With a response by Frank Furedi

12 November 2015 – 14.30 -16.15 – Raadzaal UFO – Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33, 9000 Gent – collaboration with the UGent Policy Unit Gender & Diversity.

In 2013 Oxford Dicitionary announced selfie as “the international Word of the Year”. Since then, it seems we are witnessing a selfie-pandemic. According to the Russian Ministry of the Interior at least 10 Russians have been killed and 100 more injured while taking selfies this year alone. Social networks and new technologies, from Facebook to Instagram, only enforce these trends that are correlated with narcissism and self-commodification. If Christopher Lasch warned about the normalization of pathological narcissism in late 20th century, what we should do today is not only to investigate various new modes of narcissism, but pose the really crucial question:  what about love in the “Culture of Narcissism”? How did love or falling in love change due to new technological developments from the late 70s, when Lasch’s book was originally published up until today? And above all questions: is there falling in love without narcissism? That are some of the questions that the lecture will try to raise.

Srećko Horvat  (1983) is a philosopher born in Croatia. He is author of “What Does Europe Want?” (Columbia University Press, 2014) co-authored with Slavoj Žižek, “Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism: Radical Politics After Yugoslavia” (Verso, 2014) with Igor Štiks, and most recently “The Radicality of Love” (Polity Press, 2015). He regularly publishes for The Guardian, Al Jazeera and New York Times.This is a boxed text block. You can use it to draw attention to important content. Frank Furedi is Emeritus professor of Sociology, University of Kent and Visiting Professor, Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London. He has published widely about controversies relating to issues such as health, parenting children, food and new technology. His books include Authority, A Sociological History (2013), Invitation To Terror; Expanding the Empire of the Unknown(2007), The Culture of Fear (2003) and Paranoid Parenting (2001).

Please, register for this lecture at the UGent Policy Unit Gender & Diversity